3 WAYS TO FIGHT THE TRUMP/PUTIN JUNTA Lloyd C. Daniel February 23, 2017 Essays, Featured A commentary by Rep. Lloyd C. Daniel We now know that the Russian government helped Trump win the White House. When President Obama was legally elected, Republican congress people held a press conference decla...
KAEPERNICK IS RIGHT Lloyd C. Daniel September 7, 2016 Essays (a praise poem for the conscious and brave athlete) By Lloyd C. Daniel Not so long after slavery, in the early 1900s, when Black people were being lynched in wholesale fashion, Jack Johnson challenged Jim...
AS THE REPUBLICAN PARTY EATS ITSELF Lloyd C. Daniel April 24, 2016 Essays A Commentary by Lloyd C. Daniel April 2016 As the Republican Party continues to eat itself, the motion of history is proving to be unstoppable. Whatever happens, time will move on. But the question remains,...
WE MUST USE OUR VOTES LIKE SWORDS & SHEILDS Lloyd C. Daniel April 24, 2016 Essays A Commentary by Lloyd C. Daniel In November, across the United States, an important set of elections take place. This nation’s economy, for working class and poor people, is doing worst than at any time in...
“The Truth About Afghanistan and The End of Empire” Lloyd C. Daniel November 21, 2015 Essays, Featured Internationally, America needs more than a smiling mask for imperialism. Other nations have the right of self-determination too.
AN EPIPHANY *NEW* Lloyd C. Daniel November 14, 2015 Poetry (A short story by Lloyd C. Daniel) I’ve been blessed to have a number of life altering or fork in the road moments and choices. The one that stands out in my mind at this time is when I...
Kansas City Roll Call Lloyd C. Daniel November 14, 2015 Essays, Speaking Now, just because it's something cool on a Friday afternoon, here's the latest from our favorite former Missouri state rep/poet, Lloyd Daniel. Inspired by "Kansas City's authentic cultural identity," and thinking that, regardless of the national economy, we could do a better job of "using our past as a primary pillar of the city's economic future,"
STOP THE TPP *NEW* Lloyd C. Daniel November 14, 2015 Essays An Open Letter By Former Missouri State Rep. Lloyd C. Daniel Congress can stop the worst international trade agreement in United States’ history. The people need elected leaders who ha...
“Race to the Top” Lloyd C. Daniel June 13, 2015 Essays, Featured Let failed hyper testing systems go. Create new post-industrial methods of learning in harmony with now and the future.