3 WAYS TO FIGHT THE TRUMP/PUTIN JUNTA Lloyd C. Daniel February 23, 2017 Essays, Featured A commentary by Rep. Lloyd C. Daniel We now know that the Russian government helped Trump win the White House. When President Obama was legally elected, Republican congress people held a press conference decla...
“The Truth About Afghanistan and The End of Empire” Lloyd C. Daniel November 21, 2015 Essays, Featured Internationally, America needs more than a smiling mask for imperialism. Other nations have the right of self-determination too.
“Race to the Top” Lloyd C. Daniel June 13, 2015 Essays, Featured Let failed hyper testing systems go. Create new post-industrial methods of learning in harmony with now and the future.
Video: The video/poem “On Troost Ave.” Lloyd C. Daniel May 31, 2015 Featured, Media, Speaking https://youtu.be/mJTP5D7xT_E ...
“AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, CULTURALLY-CENTERED EDUCATION AND OTHER CHALLENGES TO UNJUST AUTHORITY AND POWER” Lloyd C. Daniel May 31, 2015 Essays, Featured “No lie can live forever.” “Truth crushed to the earth shall rise again.”
Audio: An interview on domestic and foreign policy, aired on Urban Connection, Winter 2011 Lloyd C. Daniel May 30, 2015 Featured, Media, Speaking https://soundcloud.com/lloyddaniel/audio-an-interview-on-domestic-and-foreign-policy-aired-on-urban-connection-winter-2011...
“THE TULSA RESISTANCE OF 1921” Lloyd C. Daniel May 13, 2015 Featured, Poetry “They fought back and showed themselves brave.”
“on troost ” (for louretha) Lloyd C. Daniel May 13, 2015 Featured, Poetry What was/is the real immorality on Troost Ave.? Ask Honeywell.